
Famous magician houdini
Famous magician houdini

famous magician houdini famous magician houdini

Steve's illustrated talk recounts many anecdotes and stories about this most interesting of charismatic performers using many period photographs to illustrate the story of Houdini's life. Many of his acts were death defying and included escaping from a milk churn or being hung upside down in a tank of water.

famous magician houdini

Houdini never failed to escape from prison cells, ropes, handcuffs, straitjackets and chains. Learn how "Harry Handcuff Houdini" challenged police forces in the US and Europe to try and keep him under lock and key. In this latest of Steve Short's illustrated talks Houdini's life as stunt performer and brilliant illusionist is explored in detail. Born Erik Weisz in Budapest in 1874 he moved to The States with his family in 1878 making his debut on the stage at the tender age of 9 years old as a trapeze artist. Harry Houdini is probably the world's most famous magician and escapologist. The world's most famous magician and escapologist

Famous magician houdini