
Line app for pc messages showing as cannot be viewed
Line app for pc messages showing as cannot be viewed

You'll just have to move it to the right and restore your preferred screen configuration, maybe also your icons., and that's it. The trick is having more actual workspace on your screen, so at least you will have some of the utorrent window there. If that's it and it shows up, I guess that, when you de-maximize the window, it will disappear again, so, just go to your screen properties (right-click on the screen where there's nothing else and clicking on properties, I guess you know all this), and change your resolution for any other "bigger" than what you have now if possible. It also works with right-click and the pressing "x" (the letter on the keyboard, not de X for closing xD).

line app for pc messages showing as cannot be viewed

Have you tried to right-click on it's taskbar "entry" and chosen "Maximize"? It should make utorren appear "from nowhere" (actually from that edge if I'm right) and occupy your whole screen. To probe it's that way, just a couple of things: Hummm, I think your utorrent window is there, but somehow it's gone off the window (that weird dark line on the edge of the monitor seems to be one of utorrent's edge).

Line app for pc messages showing as cannot be viewed